
This represents the moment of Truth. All the work that leads up to this moment. The meetings with area managers, land owners and banding crew. The hours and hours of scouting, Spotting scopes binos and lots of time driving. Checking the site multiple times a day to pinpoint where to set the net. Finding a spot to view the site without blowing the birds out. Making sure there is a safe and hidden spot for the detonator. Getting the crew together to come up with a plan. Getting all the equipment loaded up, rockets, nets, charges, anchors, wires. Patiently waiting until dark and birds to fly off to set the nets. Sometimes they don't leave and we have to blow them out and hope they come back. Setting up the net in the dark, sometimes cold and bug infested night. Double and tripple cheking every rocket and anchor connection making sure everything is perfect. Crawling around on hands and knees pulling vegetation to cover and cammo the nets. Testing the electrical hoping we have a good test and don't have to trace the problem. Getting home late and creating a map to send to all managers and land owners of net location, detonator location and hope they get the message so they don't accidentally blow the birds out. Trying to fall asleep with the excitement of catching birds the next day and the fear of the birds not coming back. Waking up the next morning and checking the nets sometimes its hours days or weeks until they get under the net. The excitement of seeing birds under the net and the numbers slowly building up. Counting the birds so many times hoping they get to our Target number. Checking to make sure no birds will get hurt by the rockets or nets. Fending off bird watchers, workers, mosquito abatement, and anything else that can blow the birds out unintentionally. All that work all that build up and excitement when I finally get to pick up the phone, make the call and say SHOOT THE NET!!! Then the work begins....